Dr Rajeshwari Malik and Dr Supriya Chikkara
Associate Professor Department of Management and Commerce Maharaja Surajmal Institute (NAAC A Grade) Affiliated to GGSIP University, Janakpuri, New Delhi
Globally, organizations do everything possible to ensure that all employees are adequately committed to their specialized work in order to attain organizational goals. In the present competitive environment, organizations have to ensure peak performance of their employees continuously in order to compete effectively in the market place. Performance appraisal is a major management practice to assess the immediate and future relevance of any worker in any given organization. Even today in the era of globalization, Performance Appraisal has become very important and a dire necessity for the employees both in the private as well as public sector organization. Performance appraisals are intended to evaluate the performance and potential of employees. Still these may not be valid indicator of what these are intended to assess because of a variety of limitations on their uses. Performance appraisal errors affect the validity and dependability of the performance appraisal systems. The main purpose of this research paper is to study and analyze the appraisal systems, to study the interrelationship between the factors like job satisfaction, organizational culture, etc., with performance appraisal system. How long people wish to stay in the organization, and how they talk about their organization outside is also studied in this research paper.
Performance Appraisal, Job Satisfaction, Employee’s Satisfaction, Attitude, Performance Appraisal Biases