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Volume 1, Issue 1

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Exploring the Relationship Between Personality and Conflict Resolution Style of Future Managers


Deepa Ayachit and N.K.Natarajan

  1. Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, Bhopal, India
  2. Adjunct Faculty D C School of Management and Technology, Kerela, India

Conflicts are indispensible be it personal life or organization. Conflict is considered to be a component of interpersonal interaction, although not bad and inevitable, but is an essential part of workplace. Over the last decade, there has been an increased attention towards conflict resolution by the organizations. Conflict interactions at workplace offer a great opportunity to explore to what extent specific personality characteristics influence the style of conflict resolution. This paper is aimed to explore the relationship between personality traits and preferred conflict resolution style of future managers. Big five Personality Inventory model and Thomas Kilman conflict resolution instrument is used to assess the personality and conflict resolution style respectively. Big five personality traits are extroversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness and neuroticism. Conflict handling styles are compromising, competing, avoiding, accommodating and collaborating. A total of 50 management students were randomly selected for data collection. Description and correlation is used for analysis. Findings suggest that there is significant relationship between personality type and conflict handling style adopted by individuals. Implications of the study for future researchers as well as practical implications are discussed in the paper.


Personality, Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Big Five Model and Thomas Kilmann Conflict Resolution Instrument

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