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Volume 9, Issue 1

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Volume 9, Issue 1



Himani Mishra


Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi


COVID-19 outbreak has affected the work-life of individuals where employees are facing increased pay cuts, job insecurity, layoffs, and furloughs. Employees are facing stress and experiencing depression and anxiety due to such looming uncertainty. In such desperate times, organizations need to take initiatives to protect the psychological well-being of employees. This study aims to analyze the organizational and individual- level interventions which enhance the mental health of the employees in the organizations and can be opted in the COVID-19 pandemic. A literature review of thirty – six articles has been done to analyze the interventions which existed in the pre-COVID era and can be implemented by the organizations during the pandemic outbreak. Various interventions were identified in the review. Individual-driven interventions include employee counseling, motivational interviewing, and e- mental health interventions such as website access or smartphone mental health apps. Organization-driven interventions include employee assistance programs, and mental health first aid training. The study will provide insights to the managers and the practitioners regarding employee interventions, and facilitate choosing the right one which can enhance the mental well-being of the employees and hence their performance.


COVID-19, Employee well-being, Mental well-being, Organizational interventions, Psychological Interventions

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