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Volume 2, Issue 2

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Community Participation Framework for Water Utilization in Jammu Region (J&K)


Jaya Bhasin and Gowhar Rasool


Central University of Jammu, J&K


In the current global scenario water management is the prime mover of economic growth and is vital to the sustenance of a modern economy. Future economic growth also, crucially depends on the long term availability of perennial water sources specially the ones that are affordable, accessible and environment friendly. The analysis of data from the Economic Survey of India, 2012-13, shows that energy and water demand is on the rise in India and this is due to increase in the development efforts and population growth. Therefore, the present study will focus on what has been achieved and what needs to be achieved with reference to water management through community participation in Jammu and Kashmir State by understanding the experiences from Singapore. Therefore, the study will be utilizing the references and applying the research by utilizing the knowledge and generating a viable framework for the Jammu region, which would be a little contribution towards proposing a Sustainable Water management policy framework for Jammu and Kashmir State by involvement of community through non government organizations and self help groups. In this regard, the exploration of water renewal through Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore’s national water agency gives an insight to the study by providing an ideal model of community participation which can be adopted in Jammu region of state of J&K.


Water Management, Community Participation, Sustainable Energy

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