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Volume 3, Issue 2

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Volume 3, Issue 2

Examining Factors of Customer Experience


Kavita Chauhan and Aashu Aggarwal


CMS, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi


Internet as accepted by masses has become a useful medium in the course of Indian retailing. With fast pace growth of broadband services and increasing affluence on part of Indian consumers India has been facing a kind of revolution in the field of retailing evident by emergence of successful and potentially exploited model of e-retailing. Even the remotest areas of the nation are viewing an upsurge in terms of access to better technology paying a way forward to establishing e-retailing as a sustainable and growing sector of the Indian economy. Inspite of this positive news, penetration of e-retailing has been relatively low because of increased issues about privacy and security leading to unsatisfying customer experience. Moreover because of heightened competition and increasing customer awareness to protect their rights, customer experience has become a tool to gain competitive advantage and save their market territories. Thus, this paper seeks to study customer experience with reference to Flipkart (Indian e-retailer) customers. The paper with the help of appropriate statistical tools identifies the level of customer experience in concerned design areas and its impact on satisfaction, loyalty and word of mouth. On the bases of survey of 163 Flipkart users the study determines physical environment, service delivery process, front service employees, back office support, and fellow customers as five factors of customer experience significantly determining after sale consumer behaviour.


E-retailing, Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.

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