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Volume 3, Issue 2

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Volume 3, Issue 2

Analysis of Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults


Neerja Anand and Taranjeet Duggal


Amity University, Noida


Indian youth is under a lot of emotional stress and instability owing to many factors like peer pressure, Government apathy and lack of opportunities. The employers want people who are emotionally stable and can carry out the work assigned with commitment and vigour. A study was therefore carried out to study the Emotional Intelligence of 80 undergraduate students of a management institution who were administered the TEIQue-SF questionnaire developed by K.V. Petrides. The results were analysed on the basis of gender and the scores for EI factors Well- being, emotionality, sociability and self-control were derived. From the result it was inferred that females were found to be more emotionally intelligent as compared to their counterparts.


Emotional Intelligence, Emotion- ality, Sociability, Self-control, Emotionality.

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