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Volume 3, Issue 1

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Volume 3, Issue 1

Going Card-Less


Nidhi Phutela, Bharti Wadhwa and Anubha Vashisht


Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Noida, Uttar Pradesh


Amidst the tough competition, the companies are striving hard to attract and retain the target audience. With a view to sustain the company and hang on with same customers for a longer term, they look for ways to increase their customer satisfaction way beyond their expectations. To provide customer delight and in accordance with the problems faced by customers who underwent online shopping on a frequent basis, new service of mobile wallet was introduced. This paper has examined the concept of customers going card- less by using the mobile wallet services and the growth of these services at a fast pace.


Customer Delight, e-Commerce, Mobile Wallet Services, Online Payments.

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