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Volume 1, Issue 2

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Volume 1, Issue 2

Factors Affecting Selection, Performance, Opportunities and Challenges of Mutual Funds in India


Punjika Rathi and Rajan Yadav


Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India


After 1991’s Liberalisation Privatisation Globalisation policy, large number of financial institutions have entered into the market with emerging products. Mutual fund is one of them. As number of mutual fund players have increased in the financial market, it becomes necessary to evaluate their performance and factors affecting it. Mutual fund is financial instrument where people invest their money as per their predetermined objectives. This paper has tried to review various studies on mutual funds. Various studies on mutual funds in India and abroad are analyzed to find out the current scenario, growth prospects, industry structure, challenges and performance of different mutual fund during the period of 2000-2013 (July). It is found that there is huge growth potential in semi urban and rural markets, mutual funds have not outperformed the market, equity funds are more popular among investors.


Mutual Funds, Emerging Funds, Equity Funds, Financial Institutions, Financial Instruments.

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