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Volume 3, Issue 2

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Volume 3, Issue 2

Octapace Culture


Rekha Khosla


Amity Business School, Amity University, Lucknow


Purpose: The study aims to identify the profile of the organizational culture in the hospitality sector and to understand the level of impact of various OCTAPACE parameters across the hospitality sector in Lucknow region, as it affects the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Design/methodology/approach: The study adopted a mixed research design which includes Exploratory and Descriptive Research Design. Further, in-depth interviews of 200 employees working in hospitality sector were conducted to interpret and validate the survey results.

Findings: The results of the study indicate that organization culture has a significant impact on organizational effectiveness. The organizations need to develop a performance driven organization culture to bind the employees for high performance, to sustain the competitive advantage.

Research limitations/implications: The study is static and does not focus on the changes over time as in the case of survey empirical studies. A longitudinal follow up studies would be required to prevent this bias. Second, the response bias can also affect the self‐report led data.

Practical implications: The present study signifies that the management must work for developing a performance driven environment that sketches strong associations between culture, management practices and organizational effectiveness, which is interconnected and essential for every organization for its development and enhancing employee performance.

Originality/value: The results of the present study increase extant knowledge and understanding on the knowledge of the relationships between various organizational culture parameters.


Organizational Culture, Hospitality Sector, OCTAPACE.

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