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Volume 5, Issue 1

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Volume 5, Issue 1

Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment Among Knowledge Based Workforce


Shikha Singh and Dr. Ashitosh Bhardwaj

  1. Assistant Professor, HRM & OB, IILM Graduate School of Management, Greater Noida
  2. Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management, Greater Noida

There is positive relationship between commit- ment and type of employee. The result shows high affective and normative among knowledge workers. Using structural equation model, we find a strong relationship between affective, normative and continuance among middle management. The sample was collected from IT and ITES industry of National Capital Region, total 50 managers of technical process. The study reflects high level of emotional attachment among knowledge workers as compared to need to or ought to.


Loyalty, Emotions, IT Industry, Engagement and Psychological Contract.

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