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Volume 6, Issue 1

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Volume 6, Issue 1

From Traditional Shopping to Online Shopping


Dr Silky Vigg Kushwah and Anjali Singh

  1. Associate Professor, New Delhi Institute of Management, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
  2. Associate Professor, IMM, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi

With the internet shopping in India pegged at Rs. 52,000 crores and growing at a phenomenal rate of 100%, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for both the consumer and the marketers. In a country where mail order/ catalogue shopping does not even register its presence what were the factors that have had resulted in this entirely new channel and led to a paradigm shift in consumer behavior from traditional shopping to online shopping? The paper undertakes a factorial study of the behaviour of the urban educated middle class consumers in India with respect to the online marketing sites. To this end, it analyses the data collected from a sample of 400 urban educated middle class consumers selected on a non-probability basis, using purposive sampling technique. We used factorial analysis to analyse the data. The study found that this consumer behaviour is actuated by three main factors such as seller’s image, website quality and seller’s concern for customer. We find that the perception of privacy protection factor was high for the websites most commonly used by the consumers and emerged as the most important factor leading to online purchases. The study concludes that with the likelihood of the shift in shopping behavior from traditional to virtual continuing and accelerating in the future, marketers will have to relook at their distribution and promotional models in order to meet the new challenges of changed customer behavior.


Internet Shopping, Online Shopping, Paradigm Shift, Traditional Shopping, Consumer Behavior, Factorial Study

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