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Volume 2, Issue 1

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Volume 2, Issue 1

An Empirical Study of the Consumer Buying Behaviour for the Mobile Phones in the Delhi Region


Sunita Dwivedi and Taru Baswan

  1. Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies NOIDA, Faculty of Management Studies, Symbiosis International University, India
  2. Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Abundance of technology has made our life very rich and qualitatively healthy. Gadgets like phone, refrigerator, microwave, TV, computer, Internet, and smart phones are now ubiquitous. These innovations make us more efficient, break geographic barriers, connect and entertain us and make our living easier. But of course, this has resulted in a more demanding consumer and intense competition amongst the marketer. The interesting part in all this is the challenge which a marketer faces, in order to stand out amongst the crowd, for a better product, better service and for delivering a better experience to the consumer. This study focuses on how a consumer formulates his purchase decision regarding a mobile phone, what are the forces and factors which influence him while making such decisions. Although the process of buying is not mere transfer of item from seller to buyer, consumer of today wants value enriched and ecstatic buying process, enhancing his experience of shopping.


Consumer Behaviour, Mobile Phone, Technology, Demographic Variable, Psychographic Variable

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