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Volume 2, Issue 2

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Innovation Diffusion Theory


Tahir Ahmad Wani and Syed Wajid Ali


Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi


When mobile phones were introduced in the world markets, little did one expect that these small handheld devices would transform the world as we knew it. This small innovation transformed the lives of millions of people. A simple device which was invented basically as a vocal-communication tool got transformed into a complex gadget that facilitates almost all forms of communication now-a-days be it vocal, written or multimedia. Mobile phones have metamorphosed into smartphones which are far advanced than their predecessors. These smartphones are new innovations in themselves as with each passing day they come up with added features and uses never thought of before. With markets being flooded by these smartphones it will be occupying to study their diffusion across global markets. Indian markets in particular have been swamped by millions of smartphones each month in the last two years or so. This study is aimed to use the framework of Innovation Diffusion theory to suggest a model for the analysis of adoption and ultimately the diffusion of smartphones in India. The innovation diffusion theory in itself has developed immensely from the time of its origin (1962) till the present day. This paper will try to discuss some of the key elements of Innovation Diffusion theory.


Innovation Diffusion theory (IDT), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Smartphones, Indian Consumers

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