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Volume 9, Issue 1

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Volume 9, Issue 1



Vijaya Sinha


Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Noida


The public expects enterprises to include social concerns in their twenty-first-century strategies. The purpose of this study is to investigate knowledge growth and research distribution in strategic CSR with the help of bibliometric analysis. A bibliometric methodology was implemented using the Scopus database from 2001 to 2021. The search strategy utilized the search of keywords related to strategic corporate social responsibility with certain constraints. VOSviewer was applied to perform the bibliometric analysis of these articles. A total of 2131 documents have been retrieved for the analysis. According to the data, the Journal – of Sustainability Switzerland, and Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment Management are the two most influential publications in strategic CSR. The two major countries that lead publishing output are the United States and the United Kingdom. Jamali, D, Tuan, L.T, and Bhattacharyya, S. contributed to the maximum to the publications. The number of publications grows just slightly year over year. In late 2015, more emphasis links were created between CSR, commitment to the organization, and firm success.A more comprehensive theory on strategic CSR should be created and implemented as CSR is a corporation's ultimate responsibility to make it more profitable for both society and the enterprise. Current growth patterns indicate publications on “strategic corporate social responsibility” will rise further.


Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, Bibliometric Analysis, CSR

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