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Experiential Learning and Evaluation

A perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical implementation is essential for success. At SCMS NOIDA, we bridge the gap between classroom teaching and real-world application through experiential learning. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of concepts while enhancing vital soft skills such as interpersonal communication, a positive attitude, leadership qualities, and more.

Below are some examples of such practices we incorporate in our teaching pedagogy as a best teaching practice:

Consumer Behavior: COIL Project in collaboration with FIU on ‘Cross cultural perspectives in advertisements: a reflection of culture and values’

Symbiosis Centre of Management Studies (SCMS), NOIDA in collaboration with Florida International University(FIU) USA, University of Galway, Ireland and Symbiosis Centre of Management Studies (SCMS), Hyderabad conducted a Collaborative Online International

Learning (COIL) course titled “Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Advertisements: A Reflection of Culture and Values” from February 20 to March 30, 2024. The course enhanced students’

cultural awareness and cross-cultural competence through an interdisciplinary approach, integrating international marketing, cross-cultural management, and consumer behavior. By analyzing culturally diverse advertisements, students developed critical thinking and ethical advertising practices. This initiative fostered empathy, inclusivity, and global competence, equipping students to navigate multicultural business environments and promote responsible dvertising.


Sustainability Studies: Projects related to Sustainability

An Experiential Learning Activity on "Sustainable Solutions Challenge" was conducted in the Course 'Sustainability Studies' for BBA (honors) Batch of 2023-27.In this activity, students were asked to select a specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and design and implement an action-oriented project in their community. The goal was to create awareness and contribute to positive change related to the chosen SDG. Students executed the planned activities in the local community and documented the entire process through photos, interviews, and other relevant materials. Each group of students presented their project through a video presentation.

Microfinance: Study Self-help groups & other microfinance institutions: 

In order to impart experiential learning of the operations of microfinance units and the challenges faced by them, a hands-on project was provided to the students which exposed the students to the journey of microfinance institutions and their beneficiaries. The students were asked to study Self Help Groups (SHGs) and other microfinance institutions, of their choice, in the NCR region and summarize their findings. The project aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the operational aspects, financing mechanisms, revenue models, and overall functionality of such institutions.The students were required to record their interviews and other interactions on the basis of which they prepared a short film covering the role of microfinance in the journey of any small business.


FSA: Application of CMIE Prowess IQ Database for extracting company’s data

An expert was invited as a guest speaker from CMIE for the session on Prowess IQ, offering a detailed, step-by-step guide on extracting real data from the Prowess IQ database. The session aimed to provide students with hands-on training, enabling them to effectively use the database for applying analytical tools learned in class. The expert also highlighted the significance of various data types and their appropriate usage based on the purpose of analysis.