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BIZCON 2.0 was a two-day management fiesta, BIZCON 2.0 bestowed the participants with an amazing experience and exposure. BIZCON 2.0 was an amalgamation of events that tests and embraces the skills and knowledge of the participants and gave them a glimpse of the professional world. 

It was a collaborative effort of all the academic clubs of SCMS NOIDA i.e. Marketing Club, Business Analytics Club, Human Resources Club, Finance Club, and International Business Club.

BIZCON 2.0 commenced with an inaugural ceremony, paving the way for the first event, Quandary moderated by Business Analytics Club. This analytical quest aimed to test the participants’ mastery of analysis through some easy and some tricky problems. The participants were provided with a file which contained the password protected folders for every stage. Each folder contained a document where the problem statement was written along with a file for the data set which was to be analysed to find the answer to the problem statement. In order to unlock the other files for the next stage as they were being password protected and the only key to unlock it was the previous question’s answer. The participants were judged on the basis of the number of stages completed and the time of submission. The rest of the event was conducted through Google forms. 

Moving forward to the event DO OR DIE moderated by Marketing Club. The participants were given the role of a character pertaining to a specific field, like actors, CEOs of big brands, or sportsmen. The event began with the participants being on a plane that was about to crash and the pilot had only a few parachutes left. They were supposed to escape from the crashing plane by using their marketing convincing skills and prove that they deserve the parachutes by making themselves feel worthy in front of the other characters. Participants were to be evaluated on their communication abilities, presentation abilities, creativity, on-the-spot thinking, and relevance to sales pitching strategies.

The third event of the Day 1 was ANALYSE moderated by The Business Analytics Club. Mr. Rutuparn Pandey started his lecture by giving a brief intro about the VUCA world. He said that making sense of all the information and the data is key for the organisation to take their business decisions properly. He enlightened the audience that the solution to this problem is to be agile. He emphasised on learning continuously even while working so that one can take smarter decisions and improve performance. Mr Pandey concluded that being agile is crucial in today’s world.

The fourth event of the day was The Fin-Talk Rocks! Topic for the event was “Mutual Funds Sahi hai ''. The hosts for the event were Surya Vajpayee, Gouri Malik both of batch 2020-23 and Ritunjay Som of batch 2019-2022. After the prelim which was a quiz round held before, top 6 contestants were qualified for this final debating round. The team made sure that the event could broaden the horizon of students including participants and enhance their knowledge about investment avenues. 

The last event for day one was the B-QUIZ moderated by the Human Resources Club. B-QUIZ is the ultimate hunt to find the ultimate B-Master. The event was conducted in three rounds.

It aimed at finding the business enthusiasts from all over India who have immense knowledge of the corporate world and economy. It was a platform for the participants to showcase how business savvy they are and how much passion they have to succeed. Participants got an opportunity to put their time management, logical and reasoning abilities to the test.

Day 2 of BIZCON 2.0 started from BIZCRUX moderated by Marketing Club. The event witnessed the anchoring by Shivam Chaudhary and Kunal Gunecha. The event was judged by Mr. Prashant Dev and Mr. Rishabh Jain. BIZCRUX primarily aimed to showcase the insightful and engaging business ideas presented by the 5 finalists. The finalists were allotted 10 mins each to pitch and talk about their business ideas and the extra 5 minutes were given to the judges for a question & answer round. 

The next-event of the Day 2 was a webinar. The IB Bootcamp which was conducted by the International Business Club. The guest speakers were Mr. Prachur Shukla. Mr. Shukla presented his views on the topic ‘The Geopolitical Scenario and the Impact On India’. The audience got to know that this issue is certainly very important and needs to be highlighted especially when India is coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. He concluded the event by saying that in the coming years VUCA parameters will increase -- there will be ambiguity, uncertainty, volatility and complexity.

The third event was the GYAN SESSION, which was moderated by Finance Club. The event was organized on the topic Developing Investment Acumen and Stock Analysis by Mr. Arpit Gupta. The event revolved around the discussions related to what are investments to its importance, understanding whether the company is worth investing or not to how to decide whether the share price is undervalued or overvalued by calculating P/E ratio for respective companies.

The next event was RECXPRESS moderated by the Human Resources Club. The event initiated on the dot of submitting the google form that served as the preliminary round. The final round, constituted the personal interview session of the finalists funnelled post the first round. The judges were moved to their respective domains, which were as follows: Human Resources, International Business, Marketing, Business Analytics and Finance. After a rigorous one-on-one interview process with the finalists, the judges considered the 5 benchmarks to finalize the winners: 1. Knowledge of the Field 2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 3. Interpersonal Skills 4. Leadership Quality 5. Presence of Mind. 

The last event of BIZCON 2.0 was the Battle of Billionaires conducted by the International Business Club. The event was a real-life simulation where participants role-played in the capacity of billionaires from various sticks of the earth. In the next round, the participants, by taking turns, had to convince the other participants who role-played as investors and give a pitch in under 2 minutes. Mr. Rishabh Jain, the judge of the event was impressed by the efforts of all the participants and praised them for their exclusive and unique pitches.

BIZCON 2.0 came to a heart-warming closing on the second day of the event. Hosted by Shivangi Mendiratta and Ishaan Khattar this ceremony imbibed the true spirit of this two-day event. All the speakers, faculties, and students were extended heartfelt gratitude. On this note the BIZCON event series came to an end paving the path and setting the right standards for more to come.

Geotagged Pictures of the Event:

Geotagged Pictures of the Event at SCMS Noida Geotagged Pictures bizcon of the Event at SCMS Noida Bizcon event at SCMS Noida Finanace talk Bizcon event at SCMS Noida VUCA world event at SCMS Noida Faculty incharge SAC  event at SCMS Noida Judges Finanace talk Bizcon event at SCMS Noida Bizcon 2.0 21 event at SCMS Noida Bizcon 2.0' 21 event at SCMS Noida Bizcon 2.0' 21 event at SCMS Noida Webinar on investements and passive income at SCMS Noida Bizcon 2.0' 21 event at SCMS Noida Bizcon at SCMS Noida Bizcon 2.0' 21 SCMS Noida Bizcon service line at SCMS Noida