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Guest Lectures

Academic Year 2019-2020

Guest lecture on “The Power of Business Intelligence (BI)” 

A guest lecture on “Business Intelligence” was organized on 21st September 2019. The resource person was Mr. Akash Kapoor, Senior Manager and Practice Lead-Analytics at AgreeYa solutions, NOIDA. It was a 2-hour guest lecture organized for the students of second year (Batch 2018-2021). Mr. Kapoor delivered an excellent workshop. He covered various aspects of business intelligence like OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), Advance Analytics or Corporate Performance Management (CPM), Real time BI, Data warehousing etc. The workshop was of high value for the students having electives in Business Analytics. 

Guest lecture on “Leadership lessons from Real life”

A guest lecture on “Leadership lessons from Real Life” was conducted on 4th October 2019 by Mr. Ravi Bassi, General Manager Business Development & Operations Head - Delhi NCR, TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.(TCE).The guest lecture was organised for students with HR elective of second year (Batch 2018-21) and third year (Batch 2017-20). He spoke about integrity, humility, risk, passion, power of commitment and wisdom. 

Guest lecture on “International guest lecture on Career Counselling” 

SCMS NOIDA organized an international guest lecture on Career Counselling on 20th February 2020 by Dr. Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, Professor, Entrepreneurship & Development, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK. Mr. Nicholas enlightened our students with his Career Mantras for success in life. He urged the students to stay focussed on their Vision and Mission in life. The guest lecture was organised for students from all 3 years. It was an interactive and interesting session and we saw maximum participation from the students end. 

Guest lecture on “Personal counselling: Mental Health” 

A guest lecture on Personal counselling: Mental health was organized for the first-year students (Batch 2019-22) on 6th March 2020 by Mr. Daniel Nazareth, Musician & Motivational Speaker, Live Jam a non-governmental organisation (NGO). He spoke about the importance of Mental health, Clinical depression, Anxiety disorders, Bipolar disorder etc. The session was concluded by a Jam session by Mr. Daniel and his team. 

Guest Lecture on “Career Counselling” 

SCMS NOIDA organized a guest lecture on career counselling for second year (Batch 2018-21) and third year (Batch 2017-21) students on 13th March 2020. The resource person for the session was Mr. A.K. Verma, Vice President, Suncroft Microsoft Systems, Mumbai. Mr. Verma narrated his life experiences and did role plays in the workshop to give practical insights to the students. The workshop was highly successful, and students gained a lot of knowledge on their strengths and weaknesses about their present course. The session was an eye opener to each student who attended it. 

Academic Year 2018-19

Psychological orientation Session for UG students

A Psychological Orientation Session headed by Mrs. Pooja Dawar Rao and Mrs. Astha Bajaj Mahajan was conducted on 7th Feb 2018 for all the students. Psychology is the science of Behavior and Mind. The objective of this session was to make students understand the mental processes, brain functions, and behaviour better. The session was led by an open house where the students interacted with the speakers with a lot of queries. The guest speakers resolved the issues and helped students understand their psychological environment better.

Photography Skills

A session on Photography Skills headed by Natalya from Delhi College of Photography was organized for the students of Aperture Club. The session was conducted on 9th Feb,2018. This session was conducted for all the budding photographers of SCMS NOIDA for whom photography was more than just a hobby. During the session, students were taught about the various aspects of photography like picture taking angle that could enhance their skills. The session turned out to be fruitful which was reflected in the enthusiasm of the students.

Higher Education Opportunities

A session on Higher Education Opportunities headed by Mr. Ankit Yadav from ‘The Education Tree’ was conducted on 9th Feb,2018. The Education Tree (TET) is India's fastest growing student community spread across a network of different schools and colleges. The organization curates a unique experience for its members to help them follow their passion and enhance skills. The objective of the session was to provide students with information regarding the opportunities available for them so that they can contribute to national development through dissemination of specialized knowledge and skill.

Transactional Analysis and FIRO-B

 A session on Transactional Analysis and FIROB headed by Dr. Shweta Mittal (Post-doctoral fellow: IIT Delhi, funded by ICSSR) from Amity Business School was conducted on 9th Oct 2018. The objective of this session was to explain the psychology and human behavior better through transactional analysis and FIRO-B. Transactional analysis is a psychoanalytic theory and method of therapy wherein social transactions are analysed to determine the ego state of the patient as a basis for understanding behaviour whereas The FIRO-B Assessment is a unique instrument that doesn't actually “measure” anything. Instead, it provides a score that is used to estimate how comfortable an individual is with a specific behaviour.

Personality Development and Motivation

A session on Personality Development and Motivation headed by Wg. Cdr. Nanda Kinra from Indian Air Force was conducted on 23rd Oct 2018. The objective of this session as per our guest speaker was to ‘live your life in such a way that people get inspired by you’. The emphasis was on self-motivation so that the students keep motivating themselves and not be dependent on others. Our guest speaker shared his experiences and implored the students to have a positive outlook towards life.

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