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BBA in Human Resources

The BBA in Human Resources area at SCMS NOIDA emphasizes on the analysis of problems associated with management of employees at organizational, individual and community levels. BBA in human resources area is designed to develop students into professionally capable and socially sensitive management graduates, copiously prepared to deal with the issues of the corporate world. Thus, this area offers various courses that focus into organizational and human behavior with respect to HR policies in a given business context. Moreover, faculty members in the area have expertise in various domains such as performance management, training and development, industrial relations in addition to psychological factors at the individual and group levels (e.g. leadership, team work, motivation etc).

The broad objectives of this area are to train and prepare students to add value to the business, to inculcate business ethics in them, to support them to grow into effective business leaders and decision-makers to contribute to company’s effectiveness, to develop a global outlook in order to respond to global issues and most importantly, to imbibe the values of entrepreneurship, team spirit and social responsibility in students so that they become successful HR professionals in future. The faculty has been incorporating different teaching methods ranging from role plays to case study discussions. They give importance to both theoretical and practical learning. Emphasis has been given on experiential learning which complements the classroom teaching by throwing light on the practical aspect of the job. This allows exposure of the students to diverse business sectors. In addition, students have been given an opportunity to undertake internships with companies which will help them to learn substantially.

Apply for BBA (Hons/Hons with Research) via SET 2025