Caution Notice

Mask Force Campaign

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Wearing masks has been recognized as one of the important precautionary measures to fight against Corona virus. The mask acts as a barrier in the transmission of virus from infected people, particularly those without symptoms, to others through coughing, sneezing, speaking or even breathing. It is, therefore, advisable to wear masks most of the time, specifically in the public places.

Masks are available in the market in different shapes, and sizes, but these masks can be made at home from any clean cotton cloth. There are several benefits of home-made masks- the basic ingredient of the mask, i.e. cloth, is readily available at home, and these masks are also cost effective. Given the demographic profile of the country, it is imperative to discover various methods of making effective masks in a short span of time using readily available inputs at home

In this regard, ISR club of SCMS-Noida has participated in the ‘Mask Force’ campaign by suggesting methods of making cost and time effective masks at home. Students have made easy and cost effective masks using readily available cotton cloth at home such as old T-shirt and handkerchief, and two rubber bands. The procedure of making masks has been captured in the videos.

The use of masks is recommended as a preventive measure, but it should be accompanied with several other precautionary measures such as washing of hands, use of sanitizers, and social distancing.

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