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Value Added Courses

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Value Added Courses

Price is what you pay but value is what you get ~ by Warren Buffett.

SCMS NOIDA has always been active in adding value by providing exposure to the students beyond fixed curriculum. The Value Added Courses (VAC) being one of the ways to take the students on the path of lifelong learning and enhancing career oriented skills. A Value Added Course enhances the learnings for the students and make them better prepared for the industry. It helps their overall development and focuses on the important and relevant points in a student’s career. SCMS NOIDA brings two Value added Courses for all the batches for all the specialisations - Strategic Management Leadership in VUCA World and Power up: Boost for the race of life. Getting to learn about relevant interesting topics that adds extra value to the theoretical learnings is an undeniably enriching experience that will fast-forward the growth of the students.

  1. Value-added course on Strategic Management and Leadership in VUCA world:
  2. With the changing business environment and globalization, companies are finding innovative ways to have a competitive edge in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous(VUCA) world. Understanding and analyzing the strategies in the VUCA world is the need of the hour for students as future managers. As a comprehensive package of learning and exposure for Indian and international learners, this course promoted exposure to the latest strategies and frameworks required in a VUCA world and upskilled them to be globally competent in the ever-evolving business environment.

  3. Value-added course on Power Up: Boost for the Race of Life
  4. Today’s increasingly competitive corporate sector demands not just industry relevant skills but individuals equipped with people skills, critical thinking skills, emotional and intelligence quotients, etc., to not just survive but excel in the most dynamic environment of the world. This value - added course is a 30 - hour series comprising of interactive webinars delivered by coveted and renowned TEDx speakers and professionals to mentor students with invaluable expertise in their respective fields, light hearted games, team building exercises to develop, hone and apply those skills in the highly dynamic and competitive corporate sector.

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